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【視訊】“小祖母”Kiesha Crowther談2012、十三個水晶骷髏頭

发表于 2011-4-29 14:33:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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小祖母Kiesha Crowther談2012     Posted on 14/12/2010 by horse11                                       

2010年11月“小祖母” Kiesha Crowther 到蘇黎世主持工作坊,談到2012。她說﹕



我們恐懼因為不理解,一旦開悟,萬事萬物都清清楚楚。瑪雅大長老Don Alejandro Cirilo PerezOxlaj說,落到我們身邊的一道道牆,囚禁起我們,我們應該興奮地、喜悅地、快樂地踏出圍牆,實現你的能量和情感。每個人都有這恩賜,無論你投放情感到什麼地方,你都會感覺實在。


中文翻譯字幕 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/CTNVpi4cOvw/


Little Grandmother(Kiesha Crowther) speaks on 2012 November 2010

 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-29 14:46:28 | 显示全部楼层
“小祖母” 長相莊嚴,好像觀音菩薩!

发表于 2011-4-29 23:30:02 | 显示全部楼层
小祖母Kiesha Crowther                                                                                        Posted on 08/12/2010 by horse11                                       


2 Votes



爸爸是白人、媽媽屬 Sioux/Salish族,自小在南科羅拉多一個小農村長大。被確認為「小祖母」後,姬沙繼續完成動物學的學士課程,畢業後多年來從事野生保育工作。工作以外,她成立了非牟利組織救援瀕臨絕種或受傷動物。







发表于 2011-5-1 01:03:06 | 显示全部楼层
<轉>小祖母的教導Teachings of Little Grandmother

Shamba Lin 寫於 2011年1月24日 14:57

這是我整理的小祖母於2010年11月在瑞士的演說。這幾天我看了幾乎所有她在網路上的影片,從她知道自己小祖母身分的兩年多來,她不厭其煩地重複著這些同樣的教導,簡單而重要,感人而具啟發性。不論你英文好不好,建議你先花40分鐘聽她說 http://vimeo.com/16812713, http://vimeo.com/16830337,要的話再來看我的中文整理。
關於小 祖母

我的名字是凱夏﹒克勞瑟,我來自科羅拉多州的一個小小鎮。從小我就能看到所有生命體當中的能量並與動物對談,並且從「另 一邊」得到教導──有個聲音很確切地教導我一切我需要知道的,好讓我未來能把這些傳授出去。然而長久以來我一直以為自己瘋了,這個世界沒有我的容身之地。 直到三十歲時,我接到來自北美一個原住民部落的長老們的電話,他們說他們知道我從很小就被受教於另一邊,而此刻,是我成為所謂「小祖母」、成為薩滿、成為 智慧導師的時候了。世界上還有十一個人跟我一樣,接收到同樣的訊息…..我並沒有受過公開演說的訓 練,因此這樣的場合對我是很可怕的,然而我承諾要成為我能做到的最好的智慧維護者,因此我在這裡,教導你們我從另一邊、從大地之母及美洲部落長老諮商會所 習得的。


很久以前在地球上,很不可思議地,兩極位移了。那時的地球住民──亞特蘭提斯 人、列木里亞人及蘇美人──他們都真實存在,是我們的祖先,而非神話人物。當兩極位移時,冰河時期開始了,冰開始融化,水淹沒了陸地,人們坐船四處遷徙,於是亞特蘭提斯人成了馬雅人及美洲原住民,蘇美人成了夏威夷人及印尼島民,列木里亞人成了紐西蘭的瓦達人。因此他們的古老教導及智慧至今仍活生生地在地球上,他們的祖先們守護這些真理,如今這些真理正被帶回給人類。

關於2012── 祖先的預言

千百年來,原住民的預言訴說著,兩極將再度互換,大地之母將會挪動,並重生於她的完美光輝、重生於她自身的天堂中。我們有機會與她一起開悟。唯一歷經上次兩極位移的馬雅人,只在幾個月前才開始談論此事。他們說,不要害怕,要在心中歡喜,因為這將是美麗的。眾馬雅人的祖父阿拉汗卓說,即將在我們周圍崩落的牆,只是困住我們的監獄之牆,因此我們應該要開心地跨出來。人間天堂就要降臨。整個改變只會發生於幾分鐘內,但會有幾天的完全黑暗,此時很重要的是要跟心在一起,召集你的家人,保持冷靜。當太陽再度升起,在你眼前的會是一個新地球,一切都會順理成章,我們將會進化為 新人類,一個以愛統治的紀元。是會有天災,然而人類幾時無法活過天災?此時,如果人類想在這轉變中開悟,便必須從頭腦意識轉換為心的意識,並改變世界。這 轉換將由一群所有靈魂中之強者之強進行,他們被先祖喚作「多彩部族」,而這些人就是我們──我們就是自己在等待的人──我們活在大地之母有史以來最偉大的 時代!


我們必須了解的普世通則是, 大地之母對眾生萬物都是神聖的;我們生活在她上面的人類,不允許殺害她。然而我們幾乎已將她逼入絕路了,我們做了人類自己及我們的科學都束手無策的事,我們必須改變自己的生活方式。臭氧層在消失中,地球的溫度上升了兩度,這對人體沒有影響,卻對野生生命影響至鉅。我們是地球上唯一製造垃圾的生物。更可怕的是油漏問題,整個墨西哥灣已經死了,百分之九十的大型魚類都沒了;只消三十天的油漏,便足以殺死墨西哥灣,而油漏持續了九十幾天……我們幾乎殺了地球的母親,然而她依然持續給予我們每一口呼吸、每一口我們喝下的水、每一頓我們吃下的餐,因為她愛我們。我們必須與我們的大地之母建立關係,她是你的母親。





地球有個很堅硬的中心,中心的周圍是炙熱的岩漿,岩漿的上方是地殼。當兩極移位時,中心會把持不動,移動的只有地殼;地母會伸展,然後落入她的完美狀態,天堂就真的在這裡了。兩極的位移已經發生了,那不再是長老口中將要發生的故事,他們說它已經在發生了。北極已不再是正北了,而兩極在完全互換(completed shift)前,不會停止位移。大量能量來到地球,我知道因為我看得到;過去一年地球能量成長了三倍多,科學家也能偵測出來。這能量間歇來到,好讓我們慢慢消化。





地球上最大的創傷,是人類不愛自己。 這是多麼可悲,然而我們每個人都如此。你到底是誰?而你愛那個人嗎?如果沒有其他人來映照你,來告訴你你是值得愛的、是有價值的,你仍然相信自己是值得愛的、是有價值的嗎?然而我們的創傷並不會讓我們變醜,而是讓我們變強壯。


世界意識是真實的;一切都是由能量組成,而我們的意識就是能量,當今世界是以心智意識來運作。愛的能量比恨的 能量強十倍,因此老實說,只要有三分之一的人用愛來活,便足以改變所有意識。當你用愛來活,一切都變了:用愛你會記得你是誰,用愛你不會批判任何人,用愛你把世界的意識從腦改為心。愛真的是唯一的答案。


用愛來活其實非常簡單。以各人不同的方式, 我們所有人都能進入感受愛並讓心打開的空間。對我來說,處在大自然、樹木或植物中,或聆聽美麗的音樂,或與小孩或動物在一起,都可以辦到。選擇一個對你最簡單的方式,讓自己每天花一些時間在那個狀態,即使只有五分鐘。那不是要你去做什麼,我們所要做的,只是成為愛。只要做為愛,在那愛的狀態中給出地球你的愛,你便足以改變世界。我們可以送愛給水、給動物、給植物、給人們,來療癒一切。

送愛給那些游不過油的鯨魚。地球上有三種造物的振頻比任 何人類都高:鯨魚、海豚及大象;它們維持高振頻讓人類能活存……也送愛給外星的兄弟姊妹們。他們真 的存在,並且是如此愛我們;然而他們沒有在此跟我們同在,只因為我們懼怕他們。他們一直在,藏在一個我們永遠不會去看的地方--我們的心智障礙者。他們被 唾棄,然而他們是神聖的,比地球上的任何人還要值得親愛,他們來此只因要為人類維持極高的振頻。如何對待一個看起來與你如此不同的人,是我們每個人的功課
後註:兩極位移的報導 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akBvr_ZUCro&;feature=player_embedded

This is what I transcribed for a speech by Little Grandmother made in Nov. 2010 in Zurich.  I watched almost all her videos on internet.  For the past 2 years since she knew herself as Little Grandmother, she has been tirelessly giving the same teachings again and again .  They are simple and important, touching and inspiring.  Please find 40 minutes to watch them: http://vimeo.com/16812713, http://vimeo.com/16830337

About Little Grandmother

My name is Kiesha Crowther.  I came from a very small town in Colorado.  Ever since I was a child I was able to see energies inside of everything that’s alive.  I have been able to speak to animals and hear them.  I was learning lessons from the other side, a voice teaching me very specifically things I needed to learn so that one day I can teach these.  But for a very long time I thought I was crazy and that didn’t have a place in this world.  Until turning 30 I received a phonecall from the elders of an indigenous tribe of North America

.  They told me they knew I was being taught by the other side since very young, and it’s time for me to become the one to be called “Little Grandmother”, a shaman, and a wisdom teacher.  There are 11 others just like me, receiving the same messages…I was not raised to be a public speaker, so this is very scary to me.  But I did promise to be the best wisdom keeper I could be.  So I am here to teach you the lessons I was taught from the other side, from Mother Earth and from the continental council of indigenous elders.

About our ancestors

A long time ago on Planet Earth, something incredible happened and the poles shifted, and the people living at that time – Atlantians, Lemurians, Sumerians – were very real people and our ancestors, not people from fairy tales.  When the poles shifted, an Ice Age began.  Ice started to melt and water took over the lands, and people went on ships to different areas of earth – Mayan are Atlantians, the aborigines are Atlantians, the Hawaiians and Indonesians are Sumerians, the Wataha people in New Zealands are Lemurians. So their ancient teachings and wisdoms are still alive on earth today. Their ancestors held these truths and now they are being asked to be given back to the people.

About 2012 – prophesies by our ancestors

For hundreds and hundreds of years, the prophesy of the indigenous have been saying, the time will come when the poles will shift again, and the Mother Earth will shift and be reborn into her full glory, her heavenly self.  We have the opportunity to enlighten with her.  The Mayans, the only people who have lived through the pole shift before, have only started talking a couple of months ago.  They say: Do not fear; rejoice inside of your hearts, because it is going to be beautiful.  Grandfather Alejandro, Grandfather of all Mayans says, the very walls we see falling around us, are only the walls that keep us in prison, and we should be happy to step out.  Heaven on earth is coming.  The full change only happens within several minutes, but there will be full darkness for several days. At this time it’s important to stay in heart, gather your families and stay calm.  When the sun rises again, you will see a new earth.  Everything will make sense.  We will move forward in a new humanity, one ruled by love.  There will be some natural disasters, but when have humanities not lived through those?

At this time, people on earth will have to switch from living from a mind consciousness into a heart consciousness and change the world, if they wish to enlighten during the shift. They spoke of a people who would come to the planet, the strongest of the strong of all souls and all spirits to arrive.  These people would be called the Tribe of Many Colors.  It is us.  We are the ones we are waiting for.  We are living on the greatest time of the mother earth history!

Mother Earth vs. humans

The universal truth we must understand, is that Mother Earth is sacred to all beings, and we the human beings living upon her are not allowed to kill her.  Yet we have come very close.  We have done things that we humans and our science do not know how to fix – we must change our ways of living.  The ozone layer is disappearing.  The temperature of earth has increased 2 degrees, which although not effecting human body, effects wild life tremendously.  We are the only living species on earth that creates trash.  And something more serious is the oil spill -- the entire Gulf of Mexico is dead; 90% of big fish are gone.  It only takes 30 days of oil to spill to kill the entire Gulf, and it spilt over 90 days….We have all but killed our Mother Earth.  And yet she still keeps giving us every breath, every drink of water we have ever swallowed, and every meal we have ever eaten, because she loves us.  We must have a relationship with our mother earth.  She is your mother.

There are only two things on this planet that vibrate at the exact same vibrations – earth and human being.  So what we do to the female as people, we do to earth; what we do to planet earth, we do to ourselves.  We must be tender and loving again to each other in order to heal mother earth.

It is the universal law that Mother Earth will go on, and humanity will be moved before we kill her; it is the universal law she will go on, and it is up to us whether we go with her or not.

If we wish to go with her, we must start living from the heart – the more loving you are, the more intelligent you become, then we get the answers of how to save our planet, then we get to stay.  All we are asked to do is be love.  It is so easy.  And your soul will always lead you in the right direction.

The change has begun

Planet earth has a very hard center, around which is hot larva, and the crust sits on top of the larva.  When the poles change the center will hold strong, and the crust will simply move.  Mother will stretch and fall into her perfect state.  And heaven will truly be here.  The poles shift is happening.  It is no longer a story that the elders are saying will happen; they are saying it is happening.  Due north is no longer due north.  And the poles will not stop shifting, until they are completely shifted.  Large amount of energies are coming to planet earth.  I know because I can see the energies.  Scientists can take readings of how much energies are on earth, and in last year it is more than tripled.  They are coming in short intervals to give us time to digest.

Love is the only answer

The only way we change and save ourselves is if we remember who we are.  We were taught that god is something disconnected from us, that we are sinful and bad.  But I am to tell you something today that you should never forget: You are god.  Your soul is god.  You are not separate from god. Every single one of you have a Great I am, which is god.  Your Great I Am is part of Great Spirit  God is not a man nor a woman; god is knowing, is everything, is light and love and all creation.

You, your Great I am, decided to send a spark of yourself here. Every experience you have is an experience your great I am is handing you. So there are no mistakes, and there’s no sin.  You are here to learn. Earth life is a school. Everyone is learning the exact lessons they need to learn, so you cannot judge another human being and no one can judge you. In knowing this, you become free.

Do you know your status in your community does not matter.  How much money you make does not matter.  These are all made by ego, and only ego separates you from god.

The biggest would on earth is humanity does not love themselves.  It’s so sad, but we each do it.  Who are you really?  And do you love that person?  If there’s no one else to reflect on you, that you are lovable and worthy, do you still believe that you are lovable and worthy?  But our wounds do not make us ugly but they make us strong.

We must love each other, because we really are brothers and sisters: we all share one mother, and we are all born of god.

World consciousness is a real thing; everything is made of energy, and our consciousness is an energy.  Right now the world is operating under mind consciousness.  Love energy is 10 times more potent than hate energy.  So in all honesty, it only takes 1/3 of population living from love to change all consciousness.  When you live from love, everything changes: with love you remember who you are, with love you do not judge anyone else, with your change the world consciousness from mind to heart.  Love really is the answer.


It’s actually very easy to live from the heart.  All of us in different ways can get to the space of feeling love and having our hearts to open.  For me it’s either being in Nature or with trees or plants or listening to beautiful music or being with a child or animal.  Choose a way that’s easiest for you, be in that state for a while, even 5 minutes a day.  It’s not about going and doing anything; all we are asked is to be love.  Simply by being love, sitting in that conscious state of giving the earth your love, you change the world.  We can send the water to heal, the animals , the planet, the people to heal.

Send love to the whales that cannot out swim the oil.  There are 3 creatures on our planet that vibrate at higher level than any human being – whales, dolphins and elephants.  They hold the vibrations to keep us alive.  Send love to the brothers and sisters from the stars.  They really do exist, and they love us so much.  They are not here with us, only because we are afraid of them. They have been here, hiding in the one place we will never look--in our mentally disabled. They are thrown away, yet they are sacred, and more beloved than any other human beings on earth. They are here simply to hold the very high vibration for humanity. It is a lesson for each of us how you treat someone that looks so different from you.

p.s. Report on shift of Poles  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akBvr_ZUCro&;feature=player_embedded

发表于 2011-7-13 00:34:50 | 显示全部楼层


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